Incredible Insight: The Impact of Age on Fertility

Incredible Insight: The Impact of Age on Fertility

Incredible Insight: The Impact of Age on Fertility, Continental Fertility Clinic, Dr. G. L. Yahaya, A female Medical Doctor.
Incredible Insight: The Impact of Age on Fertility

Age affects fertility. This is an incredible insight, the Impact of Age on Fertility. Age is the biggest factor affecting a woman’s chance to get pregnant as well as carrying a healthy baby to term

  • By around age 30, a woman’s fertility slowly declines and by mid-30s the decline becomes steep. 
  • The risks of developing complications in pregnancy increase as women age.
  • The ticking biological clock is a reality for both men women, unfortunately, this is not clear to most people.

While men’s fertility also reduces with age, the impact generally is not as  pronounced as in women.

In Male, fertility decline is more subtle, but by 45 years and above, male age increases the time it takes for the female partner to conceive, the risk of miscarriages, and the child’s risk of both mental health and developmental disorders.

What are the connections between Female age and Infertility?

A woman is born with all the raw materials needed to produce eggs in her lifetime and the number is fixed. A woman ages with her eggs, resulting in reduction in quality and quantity of these eggs as she gets old. Age is the most singular factor affecting a woman’s fertility, even in the presence of sound health. With sound health, you can have a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby,  but this does not override the effects of age on your fertility.

In the early 20 to mid-20s, you have 25 to 30% chance of conceiving every month.

Your fertility potential slowly declines when in your 30s, after the age of 35 years,  the potential decline speeds up. At age 40, the chance of getting pregnant in any monthly cycle becomes 5%.

What are the factors involved in female old age infertility?

  • Egg quality: Older eggs are more likely to have chromosomal abnormalities, resulting in failed implantation, miscarriages or genetic disorders.
  • Ovulation: The regularity and predictability of ovulation become difficult with age.
  • Reduced ovarian reserve: The number of available eggs diminishes, making conception extremely difficult.

 Does Age Affect IVF Success Rate?

Yes! The belief that IVF can overcome the effects of age on Infertility is a misconception.

Age affects the overall success rate of iVF.

In some centers, the chance of a live birth from one compete IVF from stimulation to embryo transfer (both fresh and frozen embryos) are as follows:

43% for women between 30 and 34 years of age.

31% for women between 35 and 39 years of age

11% for women between the ages of 40 and 44 years of age.

For older women the chance of having a healthy baby delivered at term, increases with donated eggs from a younger woman.

Women’s age is associated with the risks of complications in pregnancy. 

The risk of miscarriages and chromosomal or genetic disorder in the fetus increases from the age of 35.

Gestational diabetes mellitus, placenta praevia, cesarean section and stillbirth are more common in older women than the young ones.

Does Men’s Age Affect Their fertility?

The effects of a female’s age on fertility have been known from the time immemorial, more recent studies have discovered that the age of the male partner also affects the chance of getting and maintaining a healthy pregnancy. 

Age related male factor infertility generally sets in from the age of 39 to 45 years.

The decline in male fertility is not as steep as in women, but it does occur. Sperm quality and quantity can gradually decrease with age. Factors such as:

  • Decreased sperm count: Reduced sperm concentration can impact fertility.
  • Reduced sperm motility: Slower-moving or non motile sperms  may have difficulty in reaching the egg or may not even get to the egg.
  • Increased DNA damage: Older sperm may have more damaged  DNA.

Advanced male age reduces overall chances of pregnancy and increases time to pregnancy,  that is the number of menstrual periods it takes you to get pregnant, the risk of miscarriages and still-births.

What are the symptoms of old age Infertility?

  • Irregular or missed periods: For women, this can signify reduction in ovarian reserve or function
  • Difficulty in getting pregnant or Infertility: If you have been trying to conceive for a year without success, this is the right time to seek consultation with a fertility specialist.
  • Changes in menstrual flow: Heavier, scanty or lighter bleeding may point towards hormonal derangement. 
  • Reduced libido: This can point towards hormonal changes.
  • Changes in sexual function: Erectile dysfunction or ejaculation problems can affect male fertility.

 If you’re facing age-related fertility challenges, several options are available:

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF): The eggs and sperms are fertilized outside the body and the resulting embryos are transferred to the uterus.
  • Egg freezing: Preserving eggs at younger age for future use.
  • Sperm donation: For couples suffering from male factor infertility.
  • Egg donation: For women with diminished or poor ovarian 

Does Lifestyle Affect Fertility?

Apart from age, lifestyle choices can also significantly impact fertility. 

  • Weight management: Both underweight and overweight can affect fertility if not managed well.
  • Diet and nutrition: A balanced diet rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients are vital for fertility.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity is essential  for overall health and fertility.
  • Stress management: Chronic stress can derange hormonal balance.
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption: if not adequately checked can negatively impact fertility.

Having baby after age 35 years.

How Age Affect Fertility and Pregnancy

At 45 years, fertility potential has declined so much that ability to get pregnant naturally is unlikely. 

More and more people are delaying having children until their late 30s or 40s. But as you age, so do your ovaries and the eggs inside them. You cannot see or feel these changes, and they happen faster than you may think.

Book a Consultation with our Fertility specialist Dr. G.L Yahaya today at Continental Fertility Clinic to help you achieve your goals for parenthood at old age.




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