Is Sex Selection Possible in IVF with PGT- continental fertility clinic - Dr Yahaha G.

Is Sex Selection Possible in IVF with PGT

Is Sex Selection Possible in IVF with PGT?


Is Sex Selection Possible in IVF with PGT- continental fertility clinic - Dr Yahaha G.


 Sex Selection is possible in IVF with the use of PGT. The right to build a family is a fundamental human desire, but for couples facing Infertility, this desire or dream may be frustrating and out of reach. In vitro fertilization (IVF) has emerged as a powerful tool, giving a beacon of hope for those struggling to conceive naturally. Even with IVF, achieving a pregnancy can be a complex and tortuous journey. Sex Selection is possible in IVF through PGT.


The Need to Understand the Fight Against Infertility


Infertility is defined as the inability of couples to conceive after one year of unprotected, adequate and regular sexual intercourse, six months for women above 35 years of age.

A surprising common condition, affecting 1 out of 10 couples in the world. The causes of infertility can be diverse, affecting both men and women.


  1. Female Infertility: Ovulation disorders, blocked fallopian tube, uterine fibroids, polyps, intrauterine adhesions and endometriosis.
  2. Male Causes: Low or no sperm count, poor sperm motility, abnormal shape or morphology.
  3. Unexplained infertility: No clear cause is found for the Infertility.


IVFis a multi-step medical procedure which involves fertilizing an egg with sperm outside the body and in the lab, and implanting the resulting embryo(s) into your uterus. While IVF has revolutionized fertility treatment, challenges remain. Chromosomal abnormalities in the embryos can lead to implantation failure, miscarriages and birth defects.


Preimplantation Genetic Testing {PGT}: A Powerful Friend


Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) is a sophisticated genetic screening technique used in addition to IVF. It acts as quality check, and a valuable tool to analyze the chromosomes of embryos before transfer and implantation. Therefore, by identifying embryos with the correct number of chromosomes (euploid), PGT increases the possibility of a healthy pregnancy and a successful IVF cycle.


What are the different types of Preimplantation Genetic Testing?


PGT-A (Preimplantation Genetic testing for Aneuploidy): This screens embryos for the presence or absence of the correct number of chromosomes or genetic materials. Abnormalities in numbers of the chromosomes can lead to implantation failure, miscarriages, birth defects or developmental delays.


PGT-M (Preimplantation Genetic testing for Monogenic Disorders) : Main focus is on identifying the specific genetic mutations causing inherited diseases in the family.


PGT-SR (Preimplantation Genetic testing for Sex Chromosome Abnormalities): Determines sex chromosomes of the embryos (X and Y). This can be helpful to couples at risk of x linked genetic diseases or for family balancing benefits.


Sex Selection also known as Gender Selection or family balancing is the process of determining the genetic sex, male or female of each embryo created  through in vitro fertilization (IVF).


The sex Determination of an embryo is achieved  through preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). After eggs are retrieved, fertilization is done. The embryologist will then perform assisted hatching on the embryos to obtain cells for testing. When embryos reach blastocyst stage, a few of the cells on the outside of the embryos are taken for genetic analysis. To check whether they have inherited diseases and whether they are boys or girls.


After the test only diseased free embryos of the desired sex are transferred into your uterus.


PGT is commonly used to limit inherited diseases from been passed to the unborn child and  for identifying embryos with genetic abnormalities that may negatively impact implantation and pregnancy rate success, this same technique allows physicians to determine the sex of each embryo tested before transfer.


Who are the Candidates for PGT?

  1. Women above the age of 37 years due to higher risks of abnormal embryo genetics  compared to younger age.
  2. Couples who are at risk of having a baby affected with an inherited genetic disease. Parents may prevent transmission of hemophilia, Fragile X  syndrome and cystic fibrosis into the unborn child . PGT screens out embryos with these diseases and transferring diseased free embryos.
  3. Family balancing: sex selection may help family balance the number of boys or girls and ensures they have both sexes and if they are going to have only one child they can have the desired boy or girl.
  4. Women who have had two or more miscarriages
  5. Those who have experienced past failed embryo implantation.
  6. Patients with unexplained Infertility.
  7. Women who have undergone many unsuccessful fertility treatments.


Are there benefits in Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT)?


By its ability to identify embryos with abnormalities, PGT offers many benefits for couples undergoing IVF:


  1. It increases the chances of implantation and pregnancy. It helps to select embryos with the highest potential for successful implantation and a healthy pregnancy, thereby reducing the chances of miscarriages.
  2. Reduced Chances of Birth Defects: Ability to identify embryos with chromosomal abnormalities lowers the possibility of delivering a baby with birth defects.
  3. Improves emotional well being by alleviating emotional stress associated with recurrent miscarriages and the uncertainty of the IVF outcomes.


When Considering PGT, consultation with a Fertility Specialist is the key. The decision to do PGT is a personal one and should be made in consultation with a qualified fertility specialist. By doing so, they will assess your individual circumstances, discuss the different available options and guide you through the process of PGT. Book a consultation today with our Fertility Specialist Dr. G. L. Yahaya at Continental Fertility Clinic.


Conclusion: PGT – A Powerful tool in the hand of Fertility Specialists on the path to Parenthood.


Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) is a revolutionary tool that empowers couples facing infertility to make an informed decision about their IVF journey on the path of parenthood. By increasing the chances for the successful outcome, reduced emotional stress and a healthier pregnancy, PGT beacons a light of hope on the path to parenthood.


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